Farmers are cultivating wheat using Debary small scale irrigation scheme.

      Debary small scale irrigation  (1)

The Inclusive Food and Nutrition Security Project (IFNS) has been benefiting 9,000 households living in poverty in 2 woredas of East and West Belessa in the central Gondar zone and Ebinat woreda under South Gondar Zone in 9 selected kebeles for the past 5 years. The project is funded with a total of 2.72 million euros from the German Government Economic Cooperation/ BMZ (75 percent) and CBM (25 percent) and has been supporting a total of 45 thousand people from January 2018 to December 2022.

The project finalized the extension and maintenance of six small scale irrigation schemes which have potential to irrigate 508.25 hectare of land. Debary small scale irrigation scheme is one of these which is built in Dikuana Kebele, West Balsa Woreda. The construction of the Debary irrigation scheme was completed and put into operation in mid of 2022, and it has 2.38 kilometers long new concrete canals (885 meter main canal and 1,495 meter two secondary canals). This irrigation scheme irrigates 180 hectare of land and benefits 226 farmers (F: 23 with disabilities and Persons with disabilities: 11).

       Debary small scale irrigation  (2)

This year, Dikuana Kebele farmers are cultivating wheat for the first time using Debary irrigation scheme. Before, most of the farmers grew some onions and pea only because they didn't get enough water. Currently, farmers are cultivating wheat in clusters because they have got enough water.

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