
ORDA expresses its deepest condolence on the death of higher government officials of the Amhara Region.

       dr ambachew m

ORDA expresses its deepest condolence on the death of H.E.Ambachew Mekonen (Ph.D) and other higher government officials of the Amhara Region. 

The late President of the Amhara Region, H.E.Ambachew Mekonen (Ph.D), had served as Executive Director of ORDA from 2011 – 2013. He was also chairman of Board of Directors of ORDA from 2017 till his death. 

Rest in Peace! 

Before his death, H.E Ambachew (Ph.D) delivered a message regarding on the 35th anniversary of ORDA as presented below.    

Message of Board of Directors’ of ORDA

I happily extend my warmth congratulations message on the 35th year of anniversary of the Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA) in the name of the people and government of Amhara region.

ORDA was established 35 years ago to reach the severly affected people in the North Eastern part of Amhara caused by drought and famine because of the civil war &political unrest. ORDA in collaboration with funding partners have saved the lives of millions of people in relief & rehabilitation works.

ORDA, a non-profit making, dependable developmental organization is striving to alleviate poverty through collaborations being made with the regional government, the community and stakeholders at all levels.

Since 2005, ORDA has been successfully carrying a variety of Development Programs in the region; Environment and Forest Development Program/EFDP/, Agriculture and Disaster Risk Management Program/ADRMP/, WASH and Irrigation Program /WIP/, Youth Enterprise & Private Sector Development Program /YEPSDP/, and, Gender, Disability & HIV/AIDS Prevention, Nutrition and Climate Change are cross cutting issues mainstreamed in all programs.

ORDA has succession strategic plans that were aligned with government’s growth and transformation plan with respect to formation of green economy, achievement of development goals and an overall growth programs in the country and regional level.

The organization has fruitfully achieved commendable impacts in transforming the livelihoods of of the poor with strong community mobilization.

ORDA has been playing a major &irriplacable role in the effort to eliminating poverty and has shown practical changes of beneficiaries of programs and projects.

ORDA earns its fund from international donors by preparing confidential and convincing proposal. However, sometimes the desired financial fund may not be found due to various reasons. Now a days, creating own fund is sound for nongovernmental development organizations like ORDA. Hence, ORDA established its own organizations, such as Abay Construction, Bahir Dar Tissue Culture, a Garage and other organizations, which can generate finance needed.

ORDA is wisely deploying resources funded from donors to change livelihood of poor households tangibly, and meaningful result has been achieved. The organization is working to make meaningful sustainable development, which will significantly impact the life of communities and makes lots of development activities with small financial resources.

Therefore, ORDA does not follow a series of project calls, but it needs to identify its partners and lets them provide regular support.