ORDA Sustainable value chain project (SVVC) launching workshop conducted 


ORDA’s Sustainable Value Chain Project familiarization workshop has been held at the Woreda level on 3 July-2019 in Woreta town. 


In his opening speech, Deputy Executive Director of ORDA Ato Dejene Minliku stated Horticulture development in Amhara region is hindered by Knowledge gap; low market for perishable products, low quality seedling and product, and the project will alleviate these problems. 

The project runs from 2019- 2023 in 4 kebeles of Fogera woredas namely: Abua kokit, Bebekis, Kuhar Mikael and Shina kebele with a total budget of 3.6 Million birr secured through Development Fund (Funded from Norwegian Aid & Development) to be implemented with the consortium of SNV and Joytech Fresh. It will improve the livelihood of 2 thousand farmers who cultivates Tomato, pepper and cabbage by creating market linkage, equipping modem horticulture practice and supplying quality seedlings.


In the project familiarization work shop, participants from Fogera woreda office of agriculture, concerned kebele administrators and non-governmental organization officers (MEDA & AgroBig) have participated. 

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